Scenario Planning for Leaders
How might we visit the future when it’s coming at us faster than ever? As leaders of universities, there is much uncertainty about what the future might hold, and yet students, faculty, alumni, and community partners want clarity and guidance on what’s ahead. And, while we cannot predict the future, but that doesn’t mean that the future is unknowable.
Scenario planning is a process that combines research, creativity, and ruthless curiosity to help leaders imagine, shape, and prepare for alternative futures. By looking at today’s driving forces, including the rising levels of uncertainty caused by COVID, we can anticipate, identify and respond to potential needs within the university setting.
This immersive digital experience will provide an overview of scenario planning as a futures discipline, and how visiting the future can help leaders reframe problems as strategic opportunities. It will also explore the leadership qualities of futurists, introducing new practices that support futures-focused strategic conversations and adaptive decision making processes that this moment calls for.
WHEN: Friday, July 17, 2020
TIME: 8 – 11 am PST
$1,200 for a team of up to five individuals; or
$1,000 for University Innovation Fellows campuses (check here if your campus is listed)
Led by Lisa Kay Solomon, who brings nearly 20 years of scenario planning and futures thinking, and Justin Ferrell, an expert in adaptive organizational design, this workshop is designed for senior leaders within universities and members of their leadership team to learn how to embrace more proactive and productive ways of navigating the increasing levels of uncertainty that the future is serving up.
Lisa Kay Solomon addresses over 300 University Innovation Fellows, March 2019
Justin Ferrell is an expert in adaptive organizational design