Macklemore! Purdue Makes Engineering Cool

Student Ambassadors welcome nine new candidates this week at the OPEN Conference in Washington D.C., including an undergraduate and graduate student from Purdue. Between the commitment to train two engineering towards the student-led movement to expand Innovation and Entrepreneurship activity and this AMAZINGLY COOL engineering parody of “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, there’s no question Purdue is aiming to kick things up a notch on that campus. Check it…



~ Humera Fasihuddin, Manager of Student Programming, T: @ihumera

Stanford E-Week and Bay Area Stomping Grounds

photo(34)Student Ambassadors arrive to SFO today, hitting Stanford’s signature Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders lecture series first, followed by the popular Spirit of Entrepreneurship course. These two offerings represent ingredients in ‘secret sauce’ at Stanford and Student Ambassadors will be attending both. Among the other amazing things planned is a tour of Google and PayPal… and the meeting of 20 Google Venture-backed companies. Stay tuned here for pictures, comments and ideas for student leaders all over the nation. Student Ambassadors who are not here with us in the Valley this week will enjoy an extensive report and briefing of the opportunities uncovered that they can take advantage of for their own campuses. By the way, the Spring Training session has been pushed forward to March, closer to the OPEN conference. There’s still time to register for training. Visit this link for details.

~ Humera Fasihuddin, Manager of Student Programming, T: @ihumera

Speaking of Cooper Union, Rachel Maddow Show!

Genius! Pizza Pulley for Engineering Protesters at Cooper Union covered on Rachel Maddow Show.

Cooper Union history and sit-in, which started Monday, is highlighted during last night’s Rachel Maddow show.

School administrators may begin charging tuition (presently a free education for every student) to make up for annual operating losses. Learn more by watching the Rachel Maddow show here. A group of Cooper Union alumns bought the students pizza and used engineering genius, and a combination of balloons, counterweights and a pulley, to deliver it to the 8th floor of the clocktower.

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Exploding Pumpkins!

Licensed under creative commons,

What do exploding pumpkins and design clubs have in common? Elliot Roth, our Student Ambassador Candidate from Virginia Commonwealth University. Read all about it at the new post published by our collaborators at the Epicenter…


Epicenter Retreat, Sierra Camp at Lake Tahoe

A discussion of online courses by the lake at #epiRetreat on Twitpic

NCIIA Staff are together with Stanford partners at the Epicenter Retreat where close to 75 Engineering Deans, Faculty and Administrators are engaging in an ‘Unconference’.

Participant tweets reveal teams engaging in prototyping, discussion of online courses and more. Tune in to the hashtag #epiretreat for more.