Check out the photos, videos and other materials from the University Innovation Fellows Silicon Valley Meetup in March 2016.
“How to Activate Student Changemakers: A Look into the 2016 University Innovation Fellows Silicon Valley Meetup” – by Laurie Moore of the University Innovation Fellows program
“6 Life Lessons I Learned During Spring Break At Google: How a day in Silicon Valley changed my perspective” – by DJ Jeffries, a Fellow at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Session Resources:
Microsoft Unconference Questions (pdf)
Negotiation Elements Cheat Sheet (pdf)
DIY Pop-Up Classes: Poster Template (pdf)
DIY Pop-Up Classes: Building Blocks Catalog (pdf)
Six Thinking Hats Presentation (Prezi)
Out in the World Audio Experience (website): Note: this is a different audio guide than the one you experienced at the Meetup. We are making some tweaks based on early feedback and will share with you in May. In the meantime, enjoy this new experience!
Other Resources:
Post-Meetup Projects Created by Fellows (google doc)
Meet the Changemakers Presentation (Prezi)
Microsoft Unconference Project Album
From the Field Album: Your Photos from the Meetup
Fabs Ignite Presentation Videos