The training experience is designed to empower students to create lasting and positive enhancements to the entrepreneurial climate on campus.
One training cycle per year: September-October annually
Duration: 6 weeks
Training platforms: Zoom (video conference), UIF wiki and Google Drive
- Get a deep dive into design thinking, the lean methodology and how to map your campus ecosystem
- Get out of the building to learn from students, faculty, staff and administrators at your school
- Work with peers and mentors to design projects to impact your school
- Meet weekly to gain feedback and learn from peers around the world, benchmark the best entrepreneurial ecosystems, gather ideas, and form an essential support network
- Cohorts on current UIF campuses can expect to spend 5-6 hours a week. A team on a new campus can expect to spend at least 8-10 hours a week.
Why is training online?
Training Fellows online allows them to be immersed in their campus experience while learning. This is essential, as the majority of their work during training involves getting up from the computer and talking with other students, faculty and administrators. Our online platform allows us to easily share tools and ideas that will get them started. Their real learning happens when Fellows apply these tools and ideas to their in-person work on campus.
What does training involve?
Candidates are trained on an online education platform for a 6-week period. During training, they learn to analyze their campus ecosystems to learn which opportunities exist (and which don’t). They use design thinking and Lean Startup methodologies to identify and create educational opportunities that fill gaps they’ve identified. They learn strategies to connect with stakeholders and communicate their ideas to students, faculty and community members. Although this training takes place on an online platform, the majority of their work involves getting up from the computer and talking with other students, faculty and administrators. Students should ensure they have the time in their schedule to take on the opportunity of becoming a University Innovation Fellow. Cohorts on current UIF campuses can expect to spend 5-6 hours a week. A team on a new campus can expect to spend at least 8-10 hours a week. Their real learning happens when Fellows apply these tools and ideas to their in-person work on campus.