Best Wishes to Our Graduating Fellows

We have several Fellows graduating from their institutions this semester! This is a monumental moment for them as they enter into their future endeavors. Graduation is a time of excitement, anxiety and nervousness, but not a time to be afraid. We have watched all of you dedicate yourselves to something bigger than your degree – this […]

Applications Open for University Innovation Fellows Program

Applications are now open for Epicenter’s University Innovation Fellows program. May 16, 2014 This week, the National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter) opened the application process for its University Innovation Fellows program for U.S. college and university students. The University Innovation Fellows, a national community of students in engineering and related fields, are […]

UI Fellows Commit to Advancing the National Academy of Engineering’s 14 Grand Challenges

From April 29 – May 1, ten University Innovation Fellows (UI Fellows) were invited to attend the Educating Engineers to Meet the Grand Challenges’ Conference held at the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) to lend a student perspective in discussing how to better integrate innovation & entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary project-based work, service learning, global perspectives and […]

Cal Poly Freshman and Dublin High School Alum Nicholas Sinai Selected as Prestigious University Innovation Fellow

University Innovation Fellow, Nicholas Sinai, is recognized by his high school (Dublin High School) for his entrepreneurial pursuits at Cal Poly University San Luis Obispo during his freshman year. His past teachers and family provide an amazing insight into the type of person Nicholas is, and we couldn’t agree more. Keep up the great work […]

Final exam inspiration. Keep it in check people.

For all those going through finals, here’s a little something to remind you to keep it in check. Exams are not the be all, end all. Work your ass off, but do so realizing that you have many other positive attributes you’ll be tested on in life. This exam season, do your peers a favor […]


Innovation and Determination

University Innovation Fellow Atin Mittra led a service learning trip to the Dominican Republic’s Barrio Blanco and learned a lesson about determination in the process. by Atin Mittra University Innovation Fellow, University of Maryland College Park As I embarked to lead an Alternative Spring Break trip to the Dominican Republic, I had no idea the next […]

Fellows Make Statements of Commitment at National Academy of Engineering, Washington D.C.

Ten University Innovation Fellows flew to DC this week and made a statement of commitment to organize students on their campus to address the Grand Challenges. These statements were delivered at a workshop entitled ‘Educating Engineers to Meet the Grand Challenges’ held at the National Academy of Engineering in Washington D.C. on May 1, 2014 […]

Congratulations Spring 2014 Fellows!

We are pleased to announce the launch of to 66 University Innovation Fellows from 45 U.S. campuses! A complete list of students is below. University Innovation Fellow bios, campus profiles and strategic priorities can be found on the student wiki here:     Epicenter University Innovation Fellows – Press Release April 2014.   […]

Letter to Larry Page

April 7, 2014 Larry Page 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 Dear Mr. Page, We are writing to you on behalf of a group of over 100 student leaders from around the country to express our support for Paul Polak’s ambitious challenge to Google to help end poverty. We are the University Innovation Fellows. […]

Pinning Ceremony

On March 20-22, 88 students from across the U.S. descended on Silicon Valley in California for our University Innovation Fellows (UIF) Meetup 2014. Over the course of three days, we convened at Google, Stanford University and OPEN 2014 to participate in an action-oriented, highly-engaging agenda (which was shared here a few days back). These 88 […]