On September 24, 2014, two University Innovation Fellows went to the White House to address 60 leaders from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) who attended a half-day Maker Workshop. Two Fellows, Jaime Aribas Starkey-El of Morgan State and Ulysses Knight of Virginia State. Jaime spoke on a panel (see video) about his efforts to […]
https://universityinnovationfellows.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/img_3036.jpg480640uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2014-10-01 20:29:402014-10-01 20:29:40Fellows Speak at White House
Do you feel that there is a gap in the student learning experience as compared to the skills graduates need to compete in today’s economy? Do you feel that your campus would benefit from student-driven demand regarding experiential learning opportunities around innovation and entrepreneurship? If you answered yes to both of these questions — you […]
https://universityinnovationfellows.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/uifmeetup2014collage.jpg7261024Laurie Moorehttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pngLaurie Moore2014-09-19 15:00:352014-09-19 15:00:35How You Can Join a Student-Driven Movement
Imagine 11 students at the University of Georgia (UGA) creating solutions that redesign the home — from refrigerators to floors to lighting. Fast forward 5 months, and there are now 37 students redesigning the student experience at UGA through a similar Thinc-a-thon. Gregory Wilson, a Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at UGA, developed the original idea for […]
https://universityinnovationfellows.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/thinc-logo1.png150440Laurie Moorehttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pngLaurie Moore2014-09-16 21:45:122014-09-16 21:45:12Thinc-a-thon: Redesigning the UGA Experience
The University Innovation Fellows are excited to take part in the upcoming Higher Education Maker Summit. The event is the inaugural convening of 150 higher education institutions that recently committed to creating maker spaces, as part of the first-ever White House Maker Faire. Once realized, these maker spaces will provide thousands of people access to […]
A quiet revolution is taking hold in Greenville, SC, led by students at Clemson and Furman. Described by some as “A post recession ‘power to the people movement,” students are recognizing the gap between skills acquired at college and those needed by Google, Apple, Microsoft and other growing employers in the nation. The gap can […]
Dear Fellows, We can hardly believe that school is back in session – and we’re almost half way through training! We hope all of you enjoyed your summer endeavors and are settling back into campus life and managing your course loads this fall. As we catch up with you individually, we’d like to recap what […]
Earlier this year, at the end of April, I found myself sitting in a grandiose room at the National Academy of Engineering in Washington, D.C. overlooking the Lincoln Memorial. I was one of a handful of University Innovation Fellows amongst a crowd of Engineering Deans representing universities from around the United States and Canada who […]
https://universityinnovationfellows.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/nima-accra-open-sewer.jpg7681024uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2014-08-24 11:32:312014-08-24 11:32:31Brechtian Estrangement and the Effect on Learning
Who is Simon Sinek? He is a thought leader on leadership and wrote the book “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.” Below, Thu-Huong Ha has posted a list of five books and two documentaries that made a difference in Sinek’s own path to leadership.
https://universityinnovationfellows.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/simonsinek_readinglist1.jpg5221000Laurie Moorehttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pngLaurie Moore2014-08-14 13:29:282016-03-29 21:22:18What makes a great leader? A recommended reading list
When you’re paired with a group of motivated and energetic individuals, anything is possible.” – Elliot Roth, University Innovation Fellow, Virginia Commonwealth University After training 66 University Innovation Fellows this past spring, 110 students from 78 different institutions across the nation have come together to build a more experiential learning system for undergraduate engineers and their […]
“You don’t have to be fearless just don’t let fear stop you.” – Charlie Day, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia When most people think about Charlie Day, they don’t picture him at the podium for a commencement speech or in Entrepeneur.com’s “most inspiring leaders” category. But this year, he was invited to be the keynote […]
https://universityinnovationfellows.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/sunnylogo-blog.png87165Laurie Moorehttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pngLaurie Moore2014-05-30 14:46:062014-05-30 14:46:06Get Out of the Ordinary
Fellows Speak at White House
/0 Comments/in Event, HBCU, Morgan State, Virginia State, White House /by uifellowsOn September 24, 2014, two University Innovation Fellows went to the White House to address 60 leaders from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) who attended a half-day Maker Workshop. Two Fellows, Jaime Aribas Starkey-El of Morgan State and Ulysses Knight of Virginia State. Jaime spoke on a panel (see video) about his efforts to […]
How You Can Join a Student-Driven Movement
/0 Comments/in Epicenter, University Innovation Fellow /by Laurie MooreDo you feel that there is a gap in the student learning experience as compared to the skills graduates need to compete in today’s economy? Do you feel that your campus would benefit from student-driven demand regarding experiential learning opportunities around innovation and entrepreneurship? If you answered yes to both of these questions — you […]
Thinc-a-thon: Redesigning the UGA Experience
/0 Comments/in Epicenter, University Innovation Fellow, University of Georgia /by Laurie MooreImagine 11 students at the University of Georgia (UGA) creating solutions that redesign the home — from refrigerators to floors to lighting. Fast forward 5 months, and there are now 37 students redesigning the student experience at UGA through a similar Thinc-a-thon. Gregory Wilson, a Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at UGA, developed the original idea for […]
Higher Education Maker Summit @ ASU, October 23-24
/0 Comments/in Arizona State University, Event, Multi-school Collaboration, Partners /by uifellowsThe University Innovation Fellows are excited to take part in the upcoming Higher Education Maker Summit. The event is the inaugural convening of 150 higher education institutions that recently committed to creating maker spaces, as part of the first-ever White House Maker Faire. Once realized, these maker spaces will provide thousands of people access to […]
A Quiet Revolution In Greenville, SC
/0 Comments/in Clemson, Furman, Meetup, Multi-school Collaboration /by uifellowsA quiet revolution is taking hold in Greenville, SC, led by students at Clemson and Furman. Described by some as “A post recession ‘power to the people movement,” students are recognizing the gap between skills acquired at college and those needed by Google, Apple, Microsoft and other growing employers in the nation. The gap can […]
Summer 2014 Updates
/0 Comments/in Epicenter, Partners, University Innovation Fellow /by Laurie MooreDear Fellows, We can hardly believe that school is back in session – and we’re almost half way through training! We hope all of you enjoyed your summer endeavors and are settling back into campus life and managing your course loads this fall. As we catch up with you individually, we’d like to recap what […]
Brechtian Estrangement and the Effect on Learning
/0 Comments/in NAE Grand Challenges, University Innovation Fellow /by uifellowsEarlier this year, at the end of April, I found myself sitting in a grandiose room at the National Academy of Engineering in Washington, D.C. overlooking the Lincoln Memorial. I was one of a handful of University Innovation Fellows amongst a crowd of Engineering Deans representing universities from around the United States and Canada who […]
What makes a great leader? A recommended reading list
/0 Comments/in Leadership /by Laurie MooreWho is Simon Sinek? He is a thought leader on leadership and wrote the book “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.” Below, Thu-Huong Ha has posted a list of five books and two documentaries that made a difference in Sinek’s own path to leadership.
Upcoming Deadline (June 30): University Innovation Fellows Program
/0 Comments/in Epicenter, NCIIA, Stanford University, University Innovation Fellow /by Laurie MooreWhen you’re paired with a group of motivated and energetic individuals, anything is possible.” – Elliot Roth, University Innovation Fellow, Virginia Commonwealth University After training 66 University Innovation Fellows this past spring, 110 students from 78 different institutions across the nation have come together to build a more experiential learning system for undergraduate engineers and their […]
Get Out of the Ordinary
/0 Comments/in Commencement Speeches, Epicenter, University Innovation Fellow /by Laurie Moore“You don’t have to be fearless just don’t let fear stop you.” – Charlie Day, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia When most people think about Charlie Day, they don’t picture him at the podium for a commencement speech or in Entrepeneur.com’s “most inspiring leaders” category. But this year, he was invited to be the keynote […]