Freshman & Sophomores Get Practical Design & Project Experience in Biomedical Engineering

In this video interview Georgia Tech rising senior Jim Schwoebel describes his experience entering college knowing his destiny was to invent, innovate and be an entrepreneur. But, when he got to Georgia Tech, he found that most of the innovation resources were geared to juniors, seniors and grad students. [youtube] Freshman and sophomores weren’t […]

Five Lessons for a Student Ambassador Candidate: Some Short Stories of Excitement, Fear, and Prezi

These thoughts and stories, and whatever messages or lessons they may convey, are not limited to the experiences of Student Ambassadors. Perhaps one of the most significant strengths of the NCIIA Student Ambassador program is its ability to quite accurately simulate student entrepreneurship; the two are not mutually exclusive! What it means to dive head-first […]

Berkeley Students Help Land $20MM From Jacobs Foundation for Design Institute

Jared Karp and Adam Eastman describe the sequence of events over one academic year which helped catalyze a student-led movement in the innovation culture on campus. New! Timeline for sequence of events posted below. [youtube] We got word of the $20 million gift on Monday afternoon and 78 hours later, we were able to […]

Attention: This is a matter of national security.

Secret Agents Wanted. Report to ASEE Booth #417. [vimeo w=500&h=281] We are recruiting operatives for the Fall training. Faculty and Administration should report to the Epicenter Booth at the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) to learn why the country’s future, not to mention the future of your engineering school, will only be secured […]

The Cat’s Out of the Bag

by Humera Fasihuddin Update 7pm 6/19: And the standings have been announced! See below for each team’s placement and prize. Today, I have the great honor of awarding a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner for the ninth year of the BMEidea Awards. The top three represent the finest in student innovations addressing real clinical […]

List of Seed Funding Sources For Student Ventures

by Humera Fasihuddin Finding seed funding for your venture while you’re going to school can be a tricky thing. There are sources of funding out there, you just need to do a bit of ‘hustling’ to get it. Here’s a list of EARLY STAGE funding resources, including grants, business plan competitions, sources of loans and […]

Create Something Every Day: A Guide to Becoming a Producer

By Elliot Roth CREATORS CREATE to hone their CREATIVITY. Engineers are artists. The best of them are making something everyday to exercise their creativity and problem-solving abilities. But, all too often intention is overshadowed by procrastination. Everyone is guilty of procrastination. It’s easy to promise yourself that you’ll do something but it’s a different matter […]

Free Online Courses To Ready the Entrepreneurial Mindset, According to Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassador-curated Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and Innovation Resources Stanford, MIT, Johns Hopkins and many others are offering free online classes to give learners independent opportunities to pursue education without the diploma, of course. Add, yes, there are many lists of free online courses, many of which are good and a bunch of which […]

INFOGRAPHIC: The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Source: ODesk and Millenial Branding, The Future of Work Thank you to ODesk and Millenial Branding for conducting this study and producing an awesome infographic that articulates the mindset of our Student Ambassadors. Our Student Ambassadors, most of whom are engineers, have “seen the light’. They have come to realize that through engineering, they can […]

Is It Ever Okay to Skip Class? A Two-Minute Checklist for the Student Entrepreneur

By Blake Marggraff When it comes to balancing your efforts as a student entrepreneur and campus ambassador with school, choices that once seemed black and white suddenly tend to blend together. Sure, a few late nights (early mornings?) here and there don’t seem too bad, but in a world where assignments and exams already fluctuate […]