The 5th annual University of Michigan drew a record 4,500 submissions to its 1,000 Pitches Competition. Organizers announced winners in each of the nine categories. The competition, led by campus organization M-Powered, invites undergrad and grad students to submit 3-minute videos of their technology or business pitch online. From the organization’s website, the competition was […]
Cooper Union history and sit-in, which started Monday, is highlighted during last night’s Rachel Maddow show. School administrators may begin charging tuition (presently a free education for every student) to make up for annual operating losses. Learn more by watching the Rachel Maddow show here. A group of Cooper Union alumns bought the students pizza […] 15:14:022012-12-06 15:14:02Speaking of Cooper Union, Rachel Maddow Show!
Congratulations to Cooper Union Student Ambassador Sharang Phadke who held his first Invention to Venture (I2V) and received a terrific mention in a Huffington Post blog piece, In the End, We Are All Entrepreneurs, by John Pavley. I2V is a day-long event is a crash course for University-based scientists and engineers interested in seeing their […] 04:48:362012-12-06 04:48:36Huffington Post Article on Cooper Union’s Invention to Venture (I2V) 06:46:512012-11-29 06:46:51Announcing the 24-hour Student Ambassador Red Paperclip Challenge
What do exploding pumpkins and design clubs have in common? Elliot Roth, our Student Ambassador Candidate from Virginia Commonwealth University. Read all about it at the new post published by our collaborators at the Epicenter…
Today, we are starting our new online training for 8 student ambassador candidates. This departs from our typical format of bringing 20 or so students to NCIIA headquarters in Hadley, MA to indoctrinate them in the lessons that make a great student ambassador. The online training consists of six one-hour sessions with experiential learning during […]
The NCIIA grants program is one that has given rise to numerous student-led companies. Actually, given that NCIIA has been around for 17 years, many are ‘all grown up’ and employ hundreds of people, garnering millions in economic impact…. but I want to highlight the ones that one might classify as ‘International Development’. If you’re […]
Secret Agents of Change WANTED! Become a Student Ambassador. NCIIA and Stanford University, as partners in the Epicenter, are pleased to announce a new online training program for the Student Ambassador program. We are accepting a maximum of 12 students. Students should expect to put in between 1-5 hours a week during training. If you […]
Flyers, sidewalk chalk drawings, tweets and Facebook events are some of the usual suspects when it comes to campus promotional methods… but giant whiteboards? These days Student Ambassadors are deploying creative methods of reaching out to fellow students with the message that innovation and entrepreneurship are happening activities on campus. We first learned of the […]
On Monday October 8, 44 students and 2 professors came together for the first ever Engineering and Technology Entrepreneurship Club (E-TEC) general meeting at UC Davis. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students from all engineering disciplines on campus were represented. Students from chemistry, biology, and business also attended the meeting. The event consisted of […] 19:49:232012-10-10 19:49:23Sparking Entrepreneurship at UC Davis
Record 4,500 Submissions to U-Michigan 1,000 Pitches
/0 Comments/in University of Michigan /by uifellowsThe 5th annual University of Michigan drew a record 4,500 submissions to its 1,000 Pitches Competition. Organizers announced winners in each of the nine categories. The competition, led by campus organization M-Powered, invites undergrad and grad students to submit 3-minute videos of their technology or business pitch online. From the organization’s website, the competition was […]
Speaking of Cooper Union, Rachel Maddow Show!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by uifellowsCooper Union history and sit-in, which started Monday, is highlighted during last night’s Rachel Maddow show. School administrators may begin charging tuition (presently a free education for every student) to make up for annual operating losses. Learn more by watching the Rachel Maddow show here. A group of Cooper Union alumns bought the students pizza […]
Huffington Post Article on Cooper Union’s Invention to Venture (I2V)
/0 Comments/in Cooper Union, Invention to Venture /by uifellowsCongratulations to Cooper Union Student Ambassador Sharang Phadke who held his first Invention to Venture (I2V) and received a terrific mention in a Huffington Post blog piece, In the End, We Are All Entrepreneurs, by John Pavley. I2V is a day-long event is a crash course for University-based scientists and engineers interested in seeing their […]
Announcing the 24-hour Student Ambassador Red Paperclip Challenge
/1 Comment/in Rockstar Student Ambassadors /by uifellowsCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!
Exploding Pumpkins!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by uifellowsWhat do exploding pumpkins and design clubs have in common? Elliot Roth, our Student Ambassador Candidate from Virginia Commonwealth University. Read all about it at the new post published by our collaborators at the Epicenter…
Why Student Ambassadors?
/0 Comments/in NCIIA, Rockstar Student Ambassadors, Stanford University, Student Ambassador Training /by uifellowsToday, we are starting our new online training for 8 student ambassador candidates. This departs from our typical format of bringing 20 or so students to NCIIA headquarters in Hadley, MA to indoctrinate them in the lessons that make a great student ambassador. The online training consists of six one-hour sessions with experiential learning during […]
Brilliant Student Innovations Address Global Challenges
/1 Comment/in NCIIA, NCIIA Grantees, Stanford University /by uifellowsThe NCIIA grants program is one that has given rise to numerous student-led companies. Actually, given that NCIIA has been around for 17 years, many are ‘all grown up’ and employ hundreds of people, garnering millions in economic impact…. but I want to highlight the ones that one might classify as ‘International Development’. If you’re […]
Secret Agents of Change WANTED!
/0 Comments/in Rockstar Student Ambassadors /by uifellowsSecret Agents of Change WANTED! Become a Student Ambassador. NCIIA and Stanford University, as partners in the Epicenter, are pleased to announce a new online training program for the Student Ambassador program. We are accepting a maximum of 12 students. Students should expect to put in between 1-5 hours a week during training. If you […]
E-Boards, Awesome Boards and Gigantic LCD Screens
/0 Comments/in North Carolina State University, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Colorado Boulder /by uifellowsFlyers, sidewalk chalk drawings, tweets and Facebook events are some of the usual suspects when it comes to campus promotional methods… but giant whiteboards? These days Student Ambassadors are deploying creative methods of reaching out to fellow students with the message that innovation and entrepreneurship are happening activities on campus. We first learned of the […]
Sparking Entrepreneurship at UC Davis
/0 Comments/in University of California Davis /by uifellowsOn Monday October 8, 44 students and 2 professors came together for the first ever Engineering and Technology Entrepreneurship Club (E-TEC) general meeting at UC Davis. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students from all engineering disciplines on campus were represented. Students from chemistry, biology, and business also attended the meeting. The event consisted of […]