Written by Jared Goodner, NCIIA student ambassador to Univ. of Southern California I’ve been networking like a madman since I got back from a very worthwhile week over at NCIIA HQ. Mostly because now I’ve got a great “in.” I know plenty of guys who would scoff at chatting up a pretty brunette because they […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-09-01 06:46:382011-09-01 06:46:38Design for the other 90% at USC?
Art Center College of Design has partnered with the non-profit organization Un Techo Para Mi Pais to develop socially driven products/systems that act as change agents for people living without running water. The class was first focused on slums in Chile and now it is being repeated in Peru. I am in Peru right now […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-31 23:04:132011-08-31 23:04:13Art Center College of Design – Design and Social Entrepreneurship
There is a lot of interesting things going on currently at Cal, as we affectionately call it. Innovation and entrepreneurship have found a resurgence on campus. There is a new one-year engineering professional master’s degree on campus, beginning this semester at the Fung Institute. This program is designed to educate a new type of engineer, […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-31 18:48:252011-08-31 18:48:25Innovation at Berkeley
At Oregon State University, students are exposed to entrepreneurial education as freshman which makes the program unique compared with other programs across the country. The thought at OSU is to lay a foundation of entrepreneurship for students at an early stage so students have an entrepreneurial mindset throughout their college careers. To promote the idea […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-31 08:39:072011-08-31 08:39:07Oregon State University – The Weatherford Garage
So where does one start?… For those who are entrepreneurially minded, itching to create a venture but sans ideas or previous experience in start-ups, the whole entrepreneurial process may seem extremely daunting. There are several basics that every aspiring entrepreneur should learn about, including how to: generate innovative ideas, analyze and target specific markets and industries, synthesize business models, create sustainable […]
For the sixth year, UCLA hosted the Fast Pitch Competition apart of National Entrepreneurship Week, which is organized by the Los Angeles investment group called the Tech Coast Angels. Since founded in 1999, TCA has invested $100 million and received over $1 billion in returns from these investments, said Robert Jadon, co-chair of Fast Pitch. […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-30 09:49:102011-08-30 09:49:10Anderson student’s start-up company competes for investors in Fast Pitch Competition
According to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Student Services, Dr. Robert Olsen, in an increasingly global and competitive workplace, knowing how to design a particular widget is not going to be enough for engineer graduates today. In addition to having solid technical fundamentals, the successful engineer also needs to know about good communication, […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-30 02:00:162011-08-30 02:00:16Washington State University-The Best Way To Learn Technology Entrepreneurship?
This is my first experience being involved in planning events on campus. So generally, “butts in seats” is not my concern. However, with several big events in the works, it’s high time I started making it my concern. My first event isn’t until September 22, so I began by employing some of the tips provided […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-27 19:35:012011-08-27 19:35:01University of Texas at Austin — Marketing by Bridging Gaps
First things first, you need a team to make your event happen. In a city like Boston, students looking to break into the entrepreneurial world are very willing to lend a hand. Sometimes they have a commercially successful graduate student in mind, sometimes they are excited by your event and want to help, other times […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-22 14:27:022011-08-22 14:27:02Boston University – Working with other Event Organizers
So you’re a student with an idea for a start-up or invention. What do you do next? The technology transfer office at your university will be one of your most valuable resources. At Columbia University, Tech Ventures helps launch an average of 10-12 start-up companies each year and can provide students and faculty with entrepreneurial […]
https://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.png00uifellowshttps://uifellows.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/logo.pnguifellows2011-08-20 04:30:012016-03-25 17:55:47Columbia University – Resources for Inventors and Innovators
Design for the other 90% at USC?
/0 Comments/in University of Southern California /by uifellowsWritten by Jared Goodner, NCIIA student ambassador to Univ. of Southern California I’ve been networking like a madman since I got back from a very worthwhile week over at NCIIA HQ. Mostly because now I’ve got a great “in.” I know plenty of guys who would scoff at chatting up a pretty brunette because they […]
Art Center College of Design – Design and Social Entrepreneurship
/0 Comments/in Art Center College of Design /by uifellowsArt Center College of Design has partnered with the non-profit organization Un Techo Para Mi Pais to develop socially driven products/systems that act as change agents for people living without running water. The class was first focused on slums in Chile and now it is being repeated in Peru. I am in Peru right now […]
Innovation at Berkeley
/0 Comments/in University of California Berkeley /by uifellowsThere is a lot of interesting things going on currently at Cal, as we affectionately call it. Innovation and entrepreneurship have found a resurgence on campus. There is a new one-year engineering professional master’s degree on campus, beginning this semester at the Fung Institute. This program is designed to educate a new type of engineer, […]
Oregon State University – The Weatherford Garage
/0 Comments/in Oregon State University /by uifellowsAt Oregon State University, students are exposed to entrepreneurial education as freshman which makes the program unique compared with other programs across the country. The thought at OSU is to lay a foundation of entrepreneurship for students at an early stage so students have an entrepreneurial mindset throughout their college careers. To promote the idea […]
Wake Forest University- Jumpstart Innovation
/0 Comments/in Wake Forest University /by uifellowsSo where does one start?… For those who are entrepreneurially minded, itching to create a venture but sans ideas or previous experience in start-ups, the whole entrepreneurial process may seem extremely daunting. There are several basics that every aspiring entrepreneur should learn about, including how to: generate innovative ideas, analyze and target specific markets and industries, synthesize business models, create sustainable […]
Anderson student’s start-up company competes for investors in Fast Pitch Competition
/0 Comments/in Los Angeles, UCLA, University of California Los Angeles /by uifellowsFor the sixth year, UCLA hosted the Fast Pitch Competition apart of National Entrepreneurship Week, which is organized by the Los Angeles investment group called the Tech Coast Angels. Since founded in 1999, TCA has invested $100 million and received over $1 billion in returns from these investments, said Robert Jadon, co-chair of Fast Pitch. […]
Washington State University-The Best Way To Learn Technology Entrepreneurship?
/0 Comments/in Washington State University /by uifellowsAccording to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Student Services, Dr. Robert Olsen, in an increasingly global and competitive workplace, knowing how to design a particular widget is not going to be enough for engineer graduates today. In addition to having solid technical fundamentals, the successful engineer also needs to know about good communication, […]
University of Texas at Austin — Marketing by Bridging Gaps
/0 Comments/in University of Texas Austin /by uifellowsThis is my first experience being involved in planning events on campus. So generally, “butts in seats” is not my concern. However, with several big events in the works, it’s high time I started making it my concern. My first event isn’t until September 22, so I began by employing some of the tips provided […]
Boston University – Working with other Event Organizers
/1 Comment/in Boston University /by uifellowsFirst things first, you need a team to make your event happen. In a city like Boston, students looking to break into the entrepreneurial world are very willing to lend a hand. Sometimes they have a commercially successful graduate student in mind, sometimes they are excited by your event and want to help, other times […]
Columbia University – Resources for Inventors and Innovators
/0 Comments/in Columbia University /by uifellowsSo you’re a student with an idea for a start-up or invention. What do you do next? The technology transfer office at your university will be one of your most valuable resources. At Columbia University, Tech Ventures helps launch an average of 10-12 start-up companies each year and can provide students and faculty with entrepreneurial […]