Innovative Teaching Scholars Program Helps Thai Professors Unlock the Power of Student-Centric Learning by LaRissa Lawrie, University Innovation FellowWichita State University ’19; University of Missouri, PhD student Thai professors are reimagining university education. They are on a mission to empower their students to be creative and purposeful leaders in an innovation-based economy. National technological and […] Moore Moore2021-07-06 19:45:122021-07-07 17:40:59A New Vision for Higher Ed in Thailand
The UIF team worked with Stanford researcher Sedinam Worlanyo to understand the unique challenges, insights and needs of Black students in our program. In Fall 2019, prompted by dynamics we’d observed of majority white teams that had one Black teammate, we decided we needed to learn what was going on, in reality, on campus. We […] Moore Moore2021-05-07 19:56:372021-05-07 19:57:29The Experience of Black Fellows in UIF: A Research Study
Update: The 2023 application is now open. To learn more, visit or email Catherine Randle at In February 2021, the University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program received a generous donation to fund the participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Over the next three years, students and educators at 60 HBCUs will have […] Moore Moore2021-03-03 06:21:002023-04-27 16:09:22Funding to Support HBCUs
How can a highly experiential workshop be redesigned for a digital environment? How can a culture of empathy and experimentation be created in a community that’s distributed around the world? And how can we be effective teachers when we can’t be in the same room as our learners? Our team grappled with these and many other […] Moore Moore2020-12-01 16:58:002021-02-04 17:02:16Keeping People at the Center in Virtual Teaching and Learning
198 students from 45 higher education institutions in 14 countries have been named University Innovation Fellows. The University Innovation Fellows program empowers students to become agents of change at their schools. Fellows work to ensure that all students gain the attitudes, skills and knowledge required to navigate a complex world and build the future. These […] Moore Moore2020-10-26 14:23:442020-11-02 18:12:50198 students named University Innovation Fellows for 2020 Moore Moore2020-09-28 14:55:592020-09-28 14:56:01A Virtual Community of Changemakers is Born
by Sedinam WorlanyoOriginally posted on Medium Fight or flight. This theory first described by Walter Bradford Cannon sheds light on a physiological reaction that occurs “in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.” Your body chooses to flee in a crisis or to stay and fight. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, […] Moore Moore2020-08-12 18:29:422020-08-12 18:29:43Design as a Response to Crises
The UIF Regional Meetup at Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), held January 30-February 2, 2020, brought together Fellows from around the country for three days of design challenges, activities and speakers. By the VVIT UIF team What do you get when you bring together 60 Fellows from across India for three days of design […]
“We believe students can change the world” – The story of how they actually did at the Alps Meetup at FH Salzburg. By Cosima Decho & Julia Brunhuber, University Innovation Fellows, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences “Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for […] Moore Moore2020-05-10 08:23:002020-04-20 12:02:41Making the World a Better Place Together Moore Moore2020-03-05 17:46:392020-04-23 20:00:41Applications Open for Fall 2020 UIF Training
A New Vision for Higher Ed in Thailand
/0 Comments/in Faculty, Innovative Teaching Scholars /by Laurie MooreInnovative Teaching Scholars Program Helps Thai Professors Unlock the Power of Student-Centric Learning by LaRissa Lawrie, University Innovation FellowWichita State University ’19; University of Missouri, PhD student Thai professors are reimagining university education. They are on a mission to empower their students to be creative and purposeful leaders in an innovation-based economy. National technological and […]
The Experience of Black Fellows in UIF: A Research Study
/0 Comments/in Research /by Laurie MooreThe UIF team worked with Stanford researcher Sedinam Worlanyo to understand the unique challenges, insights and needs of Black students in our program. In Fall 2019, prompted by dynamics we’d observed of majority white teams that had one Black teammate, we decided we needed to learn what was going on, in reality, on campus. We […]
Funding to Support HBCUs
/1 Comment/in Announcement /by Laurie MooreUpdate: The 2023 application is now open. To learn more, visit or email Catherine Randle at In February 2021, the University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program received a generous donation to fund the participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Over the next three years, students and educators at 60 HBCUs will have […]
Keeping People at the Center in Virtual Teaching and Learning
/0 Comments/in Workshop /by Laurie MooreHow can a highly experiential workshop be redesigned for a digital environment? How can a culture of empathy and experimentation be created in a community that’s distributed around the world? And how can we be effective teachers when we can’t be in the same room as our learners? Our team grappled with these and many other […]
198 students named University Innovation Fellows for 2020
/2 Comments/in Announcement /by Laurie Moore198 students from 45 higher education institutions in 14 countries have been named University Innovation Fellows. The University Innovation Fellows program empowers students to become agents of change at their schools. Fellows work to ensure that all students gain the attitudes, skills and knowledge required to navigate a complex world and build the future. These […]
A Virtual Community of Changemakers is Born
/0 Comments/in Meetup, Silicon Valley Meetup /by Laurie MooreHow our team designed an engaging online meetup for our community
Design as a Response to Crises
/0 Comments/in Event, Uncategorized /by Laurie Mooreby Sedinam WorlanyoOriginally posted on Medium Fight or flight. This theory first described by Walter Bradford Cannon sheds light on a physiological reaction that occurs “in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.” Your body chooses to flee in a crisis or to stay and fight. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, […]
Global Partnerships
/0 Comments/in Regional Meetup, Uncategorized /by Laurie MooreThe UIF Regional Meetup at Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), held January 30-February 2, 2020, brought together Fellows from around the country for three days of design challenges, activities and speakers. By the VVIT UIF team What do you get when you bring together 60 Fellows from across India for three days of design […]
Making the World a Better Place Together
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Laurie Moore“We believe students can change the world” – The story of how they actually did at the Alps Meetup at FH Salzburg. By Cosima Decho & Julia Brunhuber, University Innovation Fellows, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences “Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for […]
Applications Open for Fall 2020 UIF Training
/0 Comments/in Announcement /by Laurie MooreApplications are live for the University Innovation Fellows program Fall 2020 training cycle! The deadline is April 13, 2020.